The Armenian Caritas 2024 Annual Summary Meeting took place

On December 26, the Armenian Caritas 2024 Annual Summary Meeting took place, with the presence of the authorized representative of the President of Armenian Caritas, Rev. Father Narek Vrd. Mnoyan, the Director of Armenian Caritas Gagik Tarasyan, Organizational Development Officer Anahit Gevorgyan, Institutional Development Officers, and heads of the Financial and Program Departments.   Before discussing the achievements, shortcomings, and upcoming challenges of the year, Rev. Father Narek Vrd. Mnoyan conveyed the gratitude and paternal blessings of the President of Armenian Caritas, His Beatitude Patriarch Aram I of Cilicia, the 21st Catholicos of the Armenian Catholic Church,

Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and CRS–United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

To improve and develop social housing policy in Armenia, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and CRS–United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Under this document, the parties committed to joining efforts to support the continuous development of Armenia’s social housing fund and its management. Within this cooperation, a pilot program is planned, which will create an opportunity to apply the positive experience of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina by localizing a successful, sustainable, and self-sufficient model of social housing provision in Armenia. Following the signing of the memorandum,

Armenian Caritas in response 05.10.2023

Azerbaijan launched a large-scale attack against Nagorno-Karabakh from September 19, targeting civilian infrastructure and civilians. Civilians were also killed and injured. On September 20, the Nagorno-Karabakh authorities accepted the proposal of the command of the Russian peacekeeping mission regarding the cessation of fire. On September 21, the representatives of Nagorno Karabakh and Azerbaijan met in Evlakh. On September 25, the second meeting of the representatives of Nagorno-Karabakh and Azerbaijan took place in Ivanyan (Khojalu), and on September 29, the third meeting took place in Evlakh. In recent days, citizens forcibly displaced from Nagorno Karabakh are being moved to Armenia.

Memorandum of Understanding between the The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and Armenian Caritas

A memorandum of understanding has been signed between the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs, and the Armenian Community Benevolent NGO  to protect the interests of migrants, displaced persons, and the victims of the 44-day Artsakh war. The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs has provided support to the charitable public activities of “Armenian Caritas” for the implementation of sectoral programs, to provide and to develop the existing system of providing counseling to labor migrants (going abroad or wishing to go abroad). The Ministry also expressed readiness to organize public events for the development of entrepreneurship,


“Honorable brothers and beloved sons in Christ, Before the Holy Nativity, Christ and His earthly parents knocked at the doors of many and were rejected until they found a cradle in the manger of the cave. All the suffering, deprivation, and neglect that Christ endured is a reflection of all those who are suffering today, being rejected, and being deprived of their most important rights. Therefore, we urge the staff of Armenian Caritas to pass on the light of Christ’s Nativity and the radiant hope and joy to all those living in difficult conditions, because, even in deprivation, Christ gave us the hope of salvation and guided us to eternal life.