Home Care Services for elderly and (or) disabled persons (Artashat)

Project Duration: 01.02.2024 – 01.02.2025 Number of Beneficiaries:  60 Location: Artashat city   Goal:  Contribute to positive social changes in the society by providing home-based stable care services to elderly and/or 18-year-old persons with disabilities, who need care. Description: Improve life quality of 60 elderly and/or 18-year-old persons with disabilities living in Artashat by providing home care services and social inclusion activities. Assist beneficiaries to access health care services through referrals, counseling, home care, social care provision. Partners:

Promotion of Home Care in Armenia

Project Duration: 01.01.2025-31.12.2027 Number of Beneficiaries: . 600 (annual-Gyumri-100, Vanadzor-100) socially disadvantaged people with home care needs (single elderly over 65 years of age and single persons with disabilities over 18 years of age; . 120 nursing students in vocational training centers (Gyumri, Vanadzor); . 30 practical nurses from state facilities and other service providing NGOs; . 120 informal caregivers/wardens (relatives, friends and neighbors); Location: Shirak region, Gyumri city Lori region, Vanadzor city   Goal:

Humanitarian Relief in Armenia through the Armenian Caritas

Project Duration: 01.09.2024 – 01.09.2025 Number of Beneficiaries: 60 elderly and and/or people with disabilities from Nagorno Karabagh Location: Artashat (Ararat Province)   Goal This project contributes to alleviating the suffering of many displaced civilians inside Armenia and helps the different stakeholders in easing the burden caused by the Nagorno-Karabakh crisis. This project is a humanitarian project and it contributes to amelioration of Hungarian-Armenian relations. This project contributes to assuring a more positive image of Hungary among the Armenians inside and outside Armenia.

Dignified life for elderlies-home care services and volunteer work in the care of vulnerable groups

Project Duration:   1st of February 2024 – 31st of January 2026 Number of Beneficiaries: 30 vulnerable and socially isolated older women and men from Gavar 15 chronically ill elderlies from Armenian Caritas Home Care projects 5 displaced families from Nagorno Karabagh 40 Armenian Caritas staff members 10 stakeholders and networking partners 20 volunteers 60 students from different educational institutions Location:             Gegharkunik/Gavar Shirak/Gyumri Lori/Vanadzor Ararat/Artashat Goal:

Day Care Center for The Elderly

Project Duration: 01.07.2021 – ongoing Number of Beneficiaries: 100 Location: Gyumri City(Shirak Province) and Tashir City(Lori Province) Goal To contribute to the improved quality of life for elderly people in Gyumri and Tashir cities. Description: The beneficiaries of the project are 110 elderly people, the majority of them live alone and need geriatric care and socialization. The target locations are Gyumri (50 elderly) and Tashir (50 elderly). The project provides social,