Introduction “It is not science and technology, or the increasing means of economic and material development, but the human person, and especially groups of persons, communities and nations, freely choosing to face the problems together, who will, under God, determine the future”.[1] Armenian Caritas (AC) shares the Vision of Caritas Internationalis in promoting the values and principles of Environmental Justice and has the Vision of a world in which our environmental interdependence “is met by joint responsibility, our common destiny by solidarity”[2]; where the goods of the earth are shared by all;

Code of Ethics

 Striving to live our values: Code of Ethics for Caritas Internationalis member organizations Introduction The work of Caritas Internationalis is motivated, oriented and defined by Holy Scripture, the teaching and tradition of the Catholic Church and a loving personal encounter with people in need.  “Caritas is the Church’s caress to her people” and embodies a preferential option for and with those who are poor, excluded or marginalised.  Caritas strives to secure the integral development of the whole person, and to relieve the suffering caused by catastrophes,

PROTECTION FROM ABUSE AND EXPLOITATION Caritas Internationalis Children and Vulnerable Adults Safeguarding Policy

1.1 Purpose Caritas recognizes the right of children and vulnerable adults to protection, regardless of gender, race, culture and disability. Caritas recognizes the power dynamics inherent in working with children and vulnerable adults and the potential for abuse and exploitation by staff of people we work with. Caritas is committed to creating and maintaining an environment which promotes its core values and prevents abuse and exploitation of all people. Caritas staff [1]and associates[2] are expected to uphold the dignity of all people with whom they come into contact by ensuring that their personal and professional conduct is of the highest standards at all times.

Putting our Values into Practice: Code of Conduct for Caritas Internationalis member organizations’ Staff

This Code of Conduct specifies the attitudes and behaviour that all Caritas staff[1] are expected to maintain. The Code is derived from, and closely related to, the Caritas Code of Ethics which prescribes the basic values and institutional practices of Caritas organisations. “Individuals who care for those in need must first be professionally competent: they should be properly trained in what to do and how to do it, and committed to continuing care. Yet, while professional competence is a primary, fundamental requirement, it is not of itself sufficient. We are dealing with human beings, and human beings always need something more than technically proper care.

Caritas Armenia Complaints Handling Mechanism Policy and Procedure

Part One: Complaints Handling Policy 1.1. Introduction As a core organization of the Catholic Church, Caritas Armenia Vision, Mission and Values promote our belief and commitment to a world where every individual’s rights and dignity are respected. To ensure that Caritas Armenia is fully accountable to all its constituencies, staff of Caritas Armenia adheres to the CI Code of Ethics and to the Code of Conduct. We ensure that the people we serve and accompany, communities, partners, volunteers and staff are able to communicate any perceived shortcomings, concerns or misconduct through appropriate,