
“It is not science and technology, or the increasing means of economic and material development, but the human person, and especially groups of persons, communities and nations, freely choosing to face the problems together, who will, under God, determine the future”.[1]

Armenian Caritas (AC) shares the Vision of Caritas Internationalis in promoting the values and principles of Environmental Justice and has the Vision of a world in which our environmental interdependence “is met by joint responsibility, our common destiny by solidarity”[2]; where the goods of the earth are shared by all; and where all creation is cherished and held in trust for the common good of future generations.

AC sees itself as a strong and significant role player in consolidation of social justice and social protection in the Republic of Armenia. Armenian Caritas is aiming to develop sustainable communities. UN World Commission on Environment and Development in “Our Common Future” report had defined sustainable as “Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”. Sustainability is reached based on the following pillars:

  • Economic sustainability is the ability to support a defined level of economic production indefinitely,
  • Social sustainability is the ability of a social system, such as a country, to function at a defined level of social well-being indefinitely,
  • Environmental sustainability is the ability to maintain rates of renewable resource harvest, pollution creation, and nonrenewable resource depletion that can be continued indefinitely.

Armenian Caritas is committed to be responsible for its impact both positive and negative, including impact on environment. Armenian Caritas acknowledges possible footprint on the environment caused by its operations and aims de minimize it.

AC follows Guidelines on Environmental Justice of Caritas Internationalis and in addition to it is following this Environmental Ethics for its operations.

Purpose and scope of Environmental Ethics

The aim of this Environmental Ethics is to fully integrate environmental justice with the principles of human dignity and sustainable development in AC’s work at all levels through minimizing the negative environmental footprint of its own operations, as well as working with other bodies that share the same vision.

Practicing this will result in:

  • helping maintain the positive image of AC – taking accountability as an environmentally responsible organisation,
  • serving as a set of guidelines/recommendations for AC’s everyday operations,
  • helping AC to stay coherent and true to organisation’s values,
  • serving as a guideline for the environmentally-friendly management of office and projects.

Environmental Ethics is recommended for use by all staff members of AC, by its partner organizations and through all operations.

Thematic Areas and Suggested Actions as highlighted by CI Guidelines on Environmental Justice
  1. A) Climate change – future planning and decision-making
  2. Climate change considerations are to be mainstreamed into policies, planning processes, and decision-making within AC.
  3. Advocacy for good governance in climate change management activities at national level is to be strengthened.

iii. Adaptation measures to deal with the adverse effects of climate change are to be developed and integrated into AC’ programme planning, and particularly into sustainable development strategies.

  1. Greenhouse gas reduction measures are to be included in national level plans, and advocacy undertaken nationally on this issue.
  2. B) Climate change – training and awareness
  3. AC is to ensure it is well-informed on climate change issues in Armenia and region.
  4. Human capacity to monitor and assess environmental, social and economic risks and effects of climate change are to be strengthened.

iii. Assessment of environmental impact of programmes is to be expanded to include climate change impacts.

  1. C) Advocacy for resources for adaptation and global greenhouse gas reduction
  2. AC is to promote energy efficiency in their programmes and, if possible, in their countries, as part of its response to climate change.
  3. AC is to carry out advocacy on climate change issues, including logging, at national and local level.
  4. D) Climate change – alliances and cooperation
  5. Alliances and cooperation are to be fostered nationally with other appropriate Church bodies, other faiths and organisations.

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