
This author caritasAdmin has created 1201 entries.

TERMS OF REFERENCE for the external evaluation of the project

 “Emili Aregak Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities”  

  1. Background and description of the project:

Emili Aregak Center (EAC) is a Gyumri-based support and resource center for children and young people with disabilities (PWD), as well as with their families based in Gyumri. The Center was founded by Armenian Caritas and Caritas Austria in 2008, based on Caritas Armenia’s experience of working in this field since the early 2000s. In 2020, Caritas Aregak Foundation (CAF) was established to more efficiently run EAC as well as Aregak Bakery &

“Fairy Tale” community-based social rehabilitation and development day care center for children with special needs  

Ծրագրի տեւողությունը` 01.09.2021-ընթացքի մեջ

Շահառուների թիվը` 3-12 տարեկան հատուկ կարիքներ ունեցող 60

Վայրը` Վանաձոր, Լոռու մարզ

Ծրագրի նպատակ

Նպաստել կարիքներով երեխաների սոցիալ-հոգեբանական վերականգմանը և նրանց ընտանիքների հզորացմանը:

Գործընկերներ Երեք թագավորների շարժում

Բյուջե` 1  տարին  58,000 €

Ծրագրի ղեկավար` Արեւիկ Թումասյան


Terms of Reference for conducting a research “Getting Older”

 Terms of Reference

for conducting a research “Getting Older” within the scope of the project” Innovation for Health” implemented by Armenian Caritas and financed by Caritas Austria, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs of Austria, Caritas Spain and MLSA of the Republic of Armenia



The number of citizens over 65 years is increasing in Armenia like in many countries in the world. The needs of elderly people are more varied than before. Their care is an important issue not only for economic reasons, but also because of citizens’ universal rights.

Day Care Center for The Elderly

Project Duration: 01.07.2021 – ongoing

Number of Beneficiaries: 100

Location: Gyumri City(Shirak Province) and Tashir City(Lori Province)


To contribute to the improved quality of life for elderly people in Gyumri and Tashir cities.


The beneficiaries of the project are 110 elderly people, the majority of them live alone and need geriatric care and socialization. The target locations are Gyumri (50 elderly) and Tashir (50 elderly).
The project provides social,

Covid-19 resilience in Armenia and Georgia and Nagorno-Karabakh conflict response(CONAKA)

Project duration: 01․05․2021 – 31.08․2024

Target regions: Yerevan, all regions

Direct beneficiaries

  • Displaced families from Nagorno-Karabakh living temporary or permanently in Armenia.
  • Nagorno-Karabakh conflict affected local families.

Number of beneficiaries: 1151 families / 4605 persons



To contribute to resilience of Covid-19 affected people in Armenia and Georgia and to those affected by the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict in Armenia.


To increase resilience of Covid-19 affected women,