
This author caritasAdmin has created 1172 entries.

Food for Kindergarten

Food for children of Sepasar and Ghazanchi kindergartens

Launched: since 2010


To contribute to the preschool education of Sepasar and Ghazanchi communities.


  • To ensure educational development for 50 preschool children living in Sepasar and Ghazanchi.
  • To ensure cultural development for 50 preschool children living in Sepasar and Ghazanchi.
  • To ensure social protection for 50 sepaschildren by providing them daily meal and organizing social events

The following activities will be implemented for the achievement of the above mentioned objectives:

Reduce Irregular Migration and Trafficking in Armenia

Reduce Irregular Migration and Trafficking in Armenia

Project Duration: 01.01.2016- 31.12.2018

Number of Beneficiaries: 1601 in 2016

Target group: pupils, teachers and community residents

Location: Shirak, Lori and Gegharkunik provinces

Goal: To raise awareness on migration and trafficking


  1. Organize training sessions and campaigns for Shirak, Lori and Gegharkunik provinces’ community residents and pupils or students on migration and human trafficking (human exploitation)
  2. Integrate the topic of migration into school curriculum
  3. Cooperate with stakeholders in state and non-governmental sector to raise awareness on the topics


“ARAMAZD: SMART (S-strong, M-modern, A-active, R-responsible, T-transparent)”

“ARAMAZD: SMART (S-strong, M-modern, A-active, R-responsible, T-transparent)”

Project Duration:  01.10.2018 – 30.09.2021

Number of Beneficiaries:

Location: Bordering communities in Gegharkounick, Lori and Shirak provinces of the Republic of Armenia


The overall goal of “Aramazd: SMART” project is to promote the sustainable development processes in bordering settlements of the Republic of Armenia through the establishment of partnership and collaboration among key stakeholders: Local authorities, Civil Society Organizations, Small and Medium Entrepreneurs, young active citizens.


Handicraft workshop for women

Handicraft workshop for women

Project Duration:01.07.2015 – 30.06.2017

Number of Beneficiaries: 50 women

Location: Gyumri (Shirak Province)


During the implementation of the different projects Armenian Caritas discovered the need of vocational trainings the insure somehow the economic stability of poor and marginalize families. Started with similar pilot project which was implemented in 2005-2006 and involved a small number of women who suffered domestic violence, since 2007 the project grew into a fully operating workshop with locally recognized quality education.

Social and Economic Self-determination in Rural Areas

Social and Economic Self-determination in Rural Areas

The contents of this web-page is the sole responsibility of “Armenian Caritas” and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.

The European Union’s NSALA project for Armenia

This is a three year project, which will run in 2009-2012. The project is co-funded by the European Union and Caritas International in Belgium.