Fairy tale – Art Therapy Day Care Center

Location: Emily Aregak  Center Duration  March 1, 2024-December 1, 2024   Project Goal To contribute to the physio-psychosocial rehabilitation of children with special needs aged 3 to12 and empowerment of their families. Objectives To provide high quality services for children with disabilities To provide psychological and social assistance to families with children with disabilities. To provide information and raise awareness for the needs and potentials of people with disabilities in the Armenian society Objective 1.

My Right – 2

Project Duration: 01.11.2022- 31.08.2023 Location: Shirak Region Overall objective: Contribution to an inclusive and equitable quality education for all, in accordance with Sustainable Development Goal 4, Art 28 and Art 23 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Children, and Art 24 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Project Description: Project results • Individual Support: 80 CWD (Children with disabilities) in Armenia and 70 CWD in Kosovo have received individual support to fully enjoy their right to education.

“Fairy Tale” community-based social rehabilitation and development day care center for children with special needs  

Ծրագրի տեւողությունը` 01.09.2021-ընթացքի մեջ Շահառուների թիվը` 3-12 տարեկան հատուկ կարիքներ ունեցող 60 Վայրը` Վանաձոր, Լոռու մարզ Ծրագրի նպատակ Նպաստել կարիքներով երեխաների սոցիալ-հոգեբանական վերականգմանը և նրանց ընտանիքների հզորացմանը: Գործընկերներ`  Երեք թագավորների շարժում Բյուջե` 1  տարին  58,000 € Ծրագրի ղեկավար` Արեւիկ Թումասյան  

Fund for integration of children and youth with disabilities

Project Duration: 01 July, 2019 – 31 October, 2022 Beneficiaries: 100 Children and youth with disability Location: Shirak Region Goal: Creating Opportunities for Education, Inclusion and Participation. Description :  The project specifically is designed to support: a) children and young people with disabilities so that they may achieve to their maximum level of learning outcomes participation in school and kindergarten activities and social life; b) the Institutions (kindergartens and schools) staff will be empowered to work with CWD.

My Right. Inclusive Education in Armenia and Kosovo

Project Duration: 01.07.2019 – 30.06.2023 Location: Shirak Region Overall objective: Contribution to an inclusive and equitable quality education for all, in accordance with Sustainable Development Goal 4, Art 28 and Art 23 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Children, and Art 24 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Project Description:   Project results Individual Support: 80 CWD (Children with disabilities) in Armenia and 70 CWD in Kosovo have received individual support to fully enjoy their right to education.