Socio-economic EcoSEstem development in Tchambarak united community (EcoSE)

Project Duration:15․10․2023 – 15․06․2024 Number of Beneficiaries:  Direct beneficiaries: Community stakeholders Indirect beneficiaries: Socially vulnerable population in Tchambarak united community Location: Tchambarak united community of Gegharkunik province of RA   Goal:    Increase of the quality of response to the needs of vulnerable groups by the state and non-state stakeholders through the investment of effective mechanisms of Social Economy in Tchambarak united community. Description:    EcoSE project consists of two primary components: one is the development of the skills and approaches of Social Economy in Tchambarak united community through the establishment of pilot lots,

EU4Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in Armenian Communities

The Project is part of the EU Action EU4Energy Efficiency and Environment and of the “Management of natural resources and safeguarding of ecosystem services for sustainable rural development in the South Caucasus” (ECOserve) programme, which is commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.   Project objective: Communities and households have better access to energy efficiency and sustainable energy solutions, thereby contributing to the improved energy security of the rural population and the conservation of natural resources. The project contributes to the overall objective of the EU Action,

Reducing carbon-based emissions and providing support to the running of 7 social centers in Shirak and Lori Provinces of Armenia

Project Duration: 01․11․2019- 31․12․2024 (extended) Project Location: Shirak and Lori Provinces, Armenia   Project Target Groups The project’s main target group representatives are mostly the beneficiaries of ongoing projects of Armenian Caritas.  Elderly people living alone Children without parental care Socially vulnerable people with health problems Children and adolescents living in critical circumstances  Community members living in non-gasified communities. Project Goal: The goal of the Project is to reduce carbon-based emissions in Shirak and Lori Provinces of Armenia through solar energy use and energy efficiency comprehensive measures.

Tackling educational disadvantage in rural Armenia through arts

Project duration : 05.06.2022-31.07.2023 Location: Bayandur and Yerazgavors villages (Shirak region) Number of beneficiaries: 100 Target group: children aged from 8 to 15 years   Goal: Facilitate the socialization of children aged 8 to 15 years and aid in the healing of traumas through aesthetic education and art therapy.   Overall objectives: To ensure the accessibility of aesthetic education and art-therapy in project target locations for children aged from 8 to 15 years To create inclusive environment To provide an opportunity to visit cultural centers  

Tackling educational disadvantage in rural Armenia through arts

Project duration : 27.06.2022-15.08.2022 Location: Bayandur and Yerazgavors villages (Shirak region) Number of beneficiaries: 100 Target group: children aged from 10 to 15 years Goal: Contribute to the socialization of children aged from 10 to 15 years and overcoming of traumas of though aesthetic education and art-therapy Overall objectives: To ensure the accessibility of aesthetic education and art-therapy in project target locations for children aged from 10 to 15 years Creation of an inclusive environment To provide an opportunity to visit cultural centers Project activities: