
.local tr td{padding:12px}   Local Partners Many local enterprises have chosen Armenian Caritas as a partner for realization of their Social Corporative Responsibility. Due to that productive cooperation Armenian Caritas is enabled to provide wider range of complex and more targeted services to our population.               Birthright Armenia   tender.am Armenian Volunteer Corps Karo Hovagimian Charity Foundation         “National Association of School Parent Council Members”


The message of the president of “Armenian Caritas” BNGO Father Raphael Archbishop Minasyan Head of Armenian Catholics in Armenia,Georgia and Eastern Europe Let’s meet the year 2012 as an incomparable gift presented by God and let us glorify Him-the Creator, The Savior who graced life to us.The life given to us is a gift and during that life we must glorify and sing praises of Him who came into the world to raise us to the heaven. At the eve of this year let’s wish to see each other as the children of God having Jesus as a guide in our daily life and being committed to kindness,

Contact us

  Armenian Caritas benevolent NGO Fr. Raphael MinassianPresident of Armenian Caritas Gagik TarasyanExecutive Director Armenian Caritas in Yerevan Migration and Integration department 34 Tchaikovski Street, Apt. #23  Yerevan, Armenia Tel: (+374 10) 56 57 66 Armenian Caritas in Gyumri Armenian Caritas Head Office 8 H.