
This author caritasAdmin has created 1201 entries.

Youth HIV/AIDS Prevention

Youth HIV/AIDS Prevention

Project Duration: 01. 01.2016 – 30. 06.2016

Number of Beneficiaries: about 250 students

Location: Shirak Province

Puberty is a time of discovery, rousing feelings and investigation of new behaviours including engagement in unprotected sex, sex with multiple partners, and experimentation with substance use (alcohol, illicit drugs and other substances).

Lack of easily available counselling services, trained personnel, information and educational programmes on healthy lifestyle, reproductive health and prevention of drug abuse, spread of sexually-transmitted diseases and HIV/AIDS puts many Armenian young people,

Model disability care center in Gyumri

In 2013, Gyumri will have a new model disability care center composed of therapeutic, informational, and vocational training centers as well as public parks for children and youth with multiple disabilities. The project is a long-term dream of Armenian Caritas that was made possible by the cooperation of Caritas Austria/Vorarlberg Diocese.

DSC04983In 2013, Gyumri will have a new model disability care center composed of therapeutic, informational, and vocational training centers as well as public parks for children and youth with multiple disabilities. The project is a long-term dream of Armenian Caritas that was made possible by the cooperation of Caritas Austria/Vorarlberg Diocese.