
This author caritasAdmin has created 1201 entries.

“Little Prince” Day care social centers

Gyumri and Vanadzor


“Little Prince” Day care social centers / Gyumri and Vanadzor

Project Duration: March 2024 – February 2027

Number of Beneficiaries: 400 children and their family members

Location: Gyumri (Shirak Province) and Vanadzor (Lori Province)


Goal: To contribute to the social protection of disadvantaged children and child protection reforms in Armenia.

Contribute to the physio psychosocial rehabilitation of children with special needs aged 3 to 12 and empowerment of their families

Project duration: March 1, 2024-September 1, 2024

Location: Emili Aregak centre


Overall objective: To provide high quality services for children with disabilities, to provide psychological and social assistance to families with children with disabilities and to provide information and raise awareness for the needs and potentials of people with disabilities in the Armenian society.


Project Outputs:

Output 1- 60 children with disabilities received therapeutic services

Project Activities

1.1 Therapeutic services for disabled children

1.2 Using physiotherapy,

Social Assistance to Vulnerable families, Single Mothers and 12 Catholic parishes

Project duration։  8 Months

Goal: The overall objective of this proposal is to provide emergency relief to the most vulnerable people in Catholic parishes, Single Mothers and Vulnerable families.


Specific Objectives:

To achieve the overall objective, the following measures are suggested:

1.Urgent provision of firewood to families who cannot afford electric or gas heating.

2.Support the most vulnerable families (about 100 beneficiaries) through paying their gas or electric bills;

3.Provision of medicaments to vulnerable families.

4.Emergency assistance in basic food,

Contribution of to the development of society by providing access to higher education to  students from low-income and vulnerable families

Project Duration:  February 1, 2024 – October 1, 2024 (8 months)

Location: Armenia

Overall Objective: To assist 50-60 students from low-income and vulnerable families to receive higher education thus contributing to their personal and professional growth.


Project Outputs:

Output 1- Provide proof of financial need (unemployed parents, low-income family, etc.)

Output 2- Provide University transcripts with good or excellent grades.


Project activities

1.1 Contribution of to the development of society by providing access to higher education to (60) students from low-income and vulnerable families in Armenia.

International Study Visit

From May 6th to 12th, 2024, an international study visit titled “Study on the Success of the Social Economy” will be held in Greece. We extend invitations to the key local stakeholders from Tchambarak community to participate in this international study visit.


The international study visit is being organized by “Armenian Caritas” Benevolent NGO within the framework of “Socio-Economic EcoSEstem Development in Tchambarak united Community” (EcoSE) project, in cooperation with the German Corporation for International Cooperation (GIZ) under the “Strengthening Civil Society in Eastern Partnership Countries” program. The program is funded by the German government and co-financed by the European Union (EU).