
This author caritasAdmin has created 1175 entries.

Dr. Tom Catena’s visit to “Armenian Caritas” Headquarters

May 24 was a special day for “Armenian Caritas” as the finalist of Aurora prize 2017 Dr. Tom Catena and his colleagues honored the office by their presence. Dr. Catena practices and treats around 750,000 patients in the Mother of Mercy Hospital in Sudan. Patients frequently travel by foot for up to a week to reach him. Dr. Catena was born in New York City and received his medical degree from Duke University. 

In 1990 Dr. Catena joined the Catholic Medical Mission Board which, by the way, was a generous supporter of “Armenian Caritas.” Before moving to Sudan, Dr.

Benevolent Training from Dr. Viki Kaprielian

The older a person becomes the more his health turns into an asset to be taken care of. Thus special treatment, care and medications are required and to be provided by geriatricians (aged care specialists), which lack in Armenia after the collapse of the Soviet Union. As a continuation of a free-of-charge 3-day training in the summer of 2016 for the AC nurses and for the Armenian care institutions and respective NGOs conducted by Victoria Kaprielian, MD, FAAFP Associate Dean for Faculty Development and Medical Education of Campbell University and her team, the June of 2017 became one more milestone in the development of geriatrics for “Armenian Caritas” Home Care project,

This ToR defines the requirements and deliverables of the film and 3 PSAs


Time frame: July 2018-August 2018
Position: Film producing company
Location: Armenia, Shirak Region
Starting date: July, 2018

This ToR defines the requirements and deliverables of the film and 3 PSAs (public social advertising) that should be carried out in the framework of the project titled “Community Action for Full Inclusion in Education “, funded by European Union, Austrian Development Agency and Caritas Austria.

Armenian Caritas (AC) with partnership of “National Association of School Parent Council Members” NGO (NASPCM) implements a project “Community Action for Full Inclusion in Education”.

A youth center was opened in the “Little Prince” Center of Gavar.

web 111 thumbFrom now on, a youth center will founction in Gavar. The initiative was launched by the “Armenian Caritas” BNGO with the financial support of USAID and the Peace Corps, thanks to the efforts of Armenian Caritas and Peace Corps volunteer Caleb Barefield. By his initiative the center was repaired and technically replenished, which will serve not only the beneficiaries of the “Little Prince” center, but also other youth of the community. Now the project provides the children of the center with an opportunity to have trainings and meetings in a pleasant and repaired room. Due to the equipment purchased within the framework of the proյect,