
This author caritasAdmin has created 1201 entries.

“Aregak” First Inclusive and Barrier-free Bakery-Café Unique in the Area was Opened in Gyumri

“Aregak” First Inclusive and Barrier-free Bakery-Café unique in the area was opened in Gyumri. In the center of Gyumri the address- Abovyan 242 the inclusive café and bakery will implement its activity where exclusively young people having disability and parents of disabled children will work.

The opening of café and bakery took place on 14 September.  Head of the EU Delegation to Armenia, Ambassador Pyotr Svitalski, the Ambassador of Germany Matias Kisler, the vice minister of Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs RA Zaruhi Batoyan, representatives of regional and town authorities headed by Shirak deputy governor Sofya Hovsepyan, 

The Opportunities for the Development of Sarapat Community Were Discussed in the Forum

On August 15, Gyumri hosted the forum “Sarapat Consolidated Community: development opportunities and challenges” in the scope of the project “Civic Activism in Consolidated Community”. The “Civic Activism in Consolidated Community” project falls within the scope of the “Support to Capacity Building of Armenian Civil Society Organizations” (Strong CSOs) Project of the EU-funded Small Grants Program. Implemented by the consortium of Armenian Caritas BNGO, Women for Development NGO and Biosophia NGO, the “Civic Activism” project is co-funded by Caritas France. 
In addition to the representatives of regional authorities and partner organizations, the residents of the consolidated communities were also present.


The project is funded by the European Union, Austrian Development Agency, Caritas Austria and implemented by the Armenian Caritas BNGO


1. Background
Armenian Caritas BNGO has long-standing support from Caritas Austria/Diocese of Feldkirch in various fields of social and economic development. Since the beginning of this partnership, both organisations have placed a particular focus on providing services for people with disabilities and promoting their inclusion in Armenian society.

Together, these organizations established the Emili Aregak Centre, which provides services for people with disabilities living in Gyumri.

Sabine Small Group House for Children

Sabine Small Group House for Children

Family type alternative care service for children without parental care

Project duration: 01․12․2017 – 01․04․2021

Project location: Vanadzor

Number of beneficiaries: 8-10 children and their families

To contribute to deinstitutionalization process in Lori region and development of family type alternative care system
After restructuring or close up of large scale residential care institutions there are children who still need short term or long term fulltime care until there is a change.

May 15 is the International Families Day

1May 15 is the International Families Day, declared by the UN General Assembly in 1993. It provides an opportunity to raise awareness of issues relating to families, as well as social, socio-economic, demographic and other factors affecting it. The UN theme for this year is “Family and inclusive society”.

Although human relations have been transformed over the past decades, the family remains the main basis of society and one of the guarantees for its sustainable development.

First of all, the role and importance of the family is great in the life of the child, but that role is greater when it comes to children who live in their own world,