1. Project Summary: Recognise. Protect. Realise.
As part of their unwavering commitment to safeguard the rights of vulnerable people, the three organizations namely; Caritas Austria, Caritas Lebanon and Armenian Caritas formed a cross-border consortium to implement an action which is based on the view that applying a human rights-based approach will mitigate the global migration and refugee crisis. The goal of the action is to contribute to the defence of human rights of asylum seekers, refugees and migrants in Lebanon and Armenia through providing solutions for refugees and migrants in each country, with a particular focus on Syrian Armenian refugees in both countries.
Within the framework of “HIV/AIDS Prevention and Support in the Post-Soviet Countries” Project an information event, a flash mob and candle lighting was organized in Gyumri for the International AIDS Memorial Day. Young people added the pieces to the traditional AIDS quilt and the interested passers-by approaching the AIDS awareness symbol ribbon-stand pinned small red ribbons on it to commemorate those who died of AIDS. After they started a march with candles from Dramataic Square to Vardanants Square.
AIDS Candlelight Memorial takes place every 3rd Sunday in May, however it’s not mere Memorial Day but also a community grassroots movement to end the HIV epidemic.
Brief Description: Financed by the European Union, the Austrian Development Cooperation and Caritas Austria the project “First Inclusive and Barrier-free Bakery and Coffee Shop in Gyumri” promotes the inclusion of people with disabilities into labour market by depicting the disabled employees as assets. The action is coordinated by Caritas Austria and executed by its partner, Armenian Caritas.
The project has five major components:
- Inclusive Bakery and Coffee Shop.
- Herbal gardening.
- Training and cooperation.
- Therapeutic Handicraft work.
- Public Awareness Raising.
The action to be evaluated has the following Overall Objective (OO) and Specific Objectives (SO):
Within the framework of Contributing to Better Protection of Migrant Workers through Strengthening Partnership in Armenia, Kyrgyzstan and Russia program human rights defender
Valentina Chupik from program partner Tong Jahoni organisation was in Armenia. The goal of her visit was to train RA State Employment Agency employees and partner NGO representatives so that they could provide pre-departure counseling to Armenian migrants leaving for Russia. She presented the challenges that Armenians migrants face in Russia and how they can handle them.
If you face migration related problems in Russia, you can get free of charge and 24-hour counseling by calling +7926 8347602.