
This author caritasAdmin has created 1175 entries.

“We are the Change” Exchange Visit

In April 3-7, 2019 “Armenian Caritas” benevolent NGO hosted the Austrian participants of the project “We are the Change”. The project has been initiated by youngCaritas Austria and was funded by the European Union’s “Erasmus +” program. The project implementation was assisted by Caritas Austria and Armenian Caritas within the project “HIV/AIDs Prevention in the Post-Soviet Countries”.

The aim of the visit was to gain as much information as possible about Armenia, as well as two projects ran by Armenian Caritas in Vanadzor (“Sabine” small group house; “Little Prince” social center). The members of youth club, which was initiated within the “HIV/AIDs Prevention in the Post-Soviet Countries” project,

Memorandum of Understanding was signed between Armenian Caritas BNGO and Lori Marzpetaran (Regional Administration).

On June 10, 2019, the Governor of Lori Marzpetaran Andrey Ghukasyan and the Executive Director of Armenian Caritas BNGO Gagik Tarasyan signed a Memorandum of Understanding undertaking a commitment to multilateral cooperation in order to have the organization’s programs implemented in the communities of the region more effectively.

Deputy governor of the region Gayane Markosyan and the responsible of Armenian Caritas “Community Development and Disaster Risk Management” strategic direction Zara Aghayan, were also present at the event. Presenting the purpose of the visit to the governor Gagik Tarasyan mentioned that Armenian Caritas has been operating in Armenia for almost 25 years,

Increased resilience of Syrian Armenians and host population (IRIS)

Project Duration: 36 months, July 2018 – June 2021

Final beneficiaries: 22.000 Syrian Armenian refugees and local host population

Location: Yerevan


Overall objective:

To contribute to the National Integration Policy that intends to guarantee a dignified life for Syrian Armenians in Armenia through full protection and integration.

Specific objective:

To improve social and economic resilience of Syrian Armenians and host population and to strengthen institutional capacities for economic growth in Armenia

Intermediary outcomes and main activities:



This ToR defines the context and deliverables of a Project development process that is to be carried out in the framework of the project “Inclusive and Equitable quality education for All in Armenia”, funded by Caritas Germany.

The overall objective of the project is: “To contribute to the establishment of inclusive and equitable quality education for All in Armenia (SDG 4)”.

The Concept Note of the project has been approved by BMZ (Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (Germany).

Within the framework of the project a planning workshop should be organized for the development of final application of the project for Armenia and Georgia.

A Memorandum of understanding was signed

On June 2, the Executive Director of Armenian Caritas BNGO Gagik Tarasyan and the Executive Director of Wired International Community Health Education Organization Gary Selnow signed a Memorandum of understanding. According to this Memorandum, health educational programs implemented by Wired International in Armenia will be coordinated by Armenian Caritas. “Armenian Caritas” also will assist with the translation of selected medical and healthcare modules, and assist in hosting the annual consultative meeting of Armenian Wired International CHEs.

Later, a meeting with partner organizations took place in “Armenian Caritas”, during which representative of Wired International Sebouh Baghdoyan highlighted the activity and regular presentation of the work done to Wired International.