
This author caritasAdmin has created 1201 entries.

Our history

History of Armenian Caritas

In May 1995, the Armenian Catholic Church,headed by Msgr. Nerses Archb. Der-Nersessian, the Gyumri-based Ordinary of Armenian Catholics in Armenia, Georgia, and Eastern Europe, founded Armenian Caritas in Gyumri, Shirak region.

In 1996, a Board of Directors, consisting of a president and six other members, was established and given the task of formulating the strategy of the organization and supervising its implementation.The organization was officially recognized by the Armenian Ministry of Justice as a local NGO in 1997. Since 1999, Armenian Caritas has become a full member of Caritas Internationalis.

National Home Care (NHC)

Project Duration:  01.01.2002 — ongoing


  • Single elderly over 65 years of age
  • Single persons with disabilities over 18 years of age

Beneficiary  criteria

  • Living below the poverty line
  • Having multi-health problems
  • Being lonely
  • Being disabled
  • Bad social conditions
  • Bad housing conditions – temporary houses in the suburbs of the cities.


  • Shirak, Gyumri
  • Lori, Tashir, Vanadzor
  • Gegharkunik, Gavar
  • Ararat,

Rehabilitation and Involvment of children under precarious circumstances through Art therapy

Rehabilitation and Involvment of children under precarious circumstances through Art therapy

Project Duration: 01.01.2010 – 30.11.2017

Number of Beneficiaries: 25

Location: Lori Province: Vanadzor


Contribute to socio-psychological rehabilitation of disabled and children in various difficult situations through provision of relevant services and amelioration of conditions.

Project activities

TThe project works with around 20 children and their family members. Different therapies, such as fairy-tale therapy, art and paining therapy, activities to strengthen the memory are held with the children who are diagnosed with infantile cerebral paralysis,

ACVC/ Armenian Caritas Volunteer Corps

History: Armenian Caritas (hereinafter AC) volunteer is a core carrier of organization’s mission and ideology. Since the very establishment of the organization volunteers have been involved in different fields of its operations. 
Understanding the potential of united and mobilized volunteers, since 2009 AC has committed itself to set up Armenian Caritas Youth Corps (hereinafter ACYC), which will bring together the current and potential volunteers of AC around common interests and common concerns. In 2014 the ACYC was renamed Armenian Caritas Volunteer Corps (ACVC). Currently about 80 volunteers are involved in various AC projects.

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