1 – Purpose of the external audit:

In the present call for tenders, the audit of the final financial report of the following project is requested:

  • Project Title: “ARAMAZD: SEED”
  • Country/Area: Armenia
  • Project Duration: 39 months
  • Project Start Date: April 10, 2022
  • Project End Date: June 20, 2025
  • Short description of the project:


This project is the fourth phase of a program that was launched in 2012 by Caritas Armenia with the financial support of Caritas Spain and Secours Catholique – Caritas France.

The “ARAMAZD: SEED” phase of the program started in 2022 and was planned for a three-year period. The program aims to promote Promotion of sustainable socio-economic development in the bordering regions of Armenia through strengthening of local actors.

Caritas Armenia is launching a new phase of its program to support impoverished communities in the rural border regions of Gegharkunik, Lori, and Shirak by adopting a more comprehensive and participatory approach. Through training and financial assistance for local actors’ projects, the initiative will target rural populations and promote the socio-economic development of these regions, with a focus on creating employment and development opportunities for both young people and adults.

The goal and objectives of the project are:

  • Overall objective: Promotion of sustainable socio-economic development in the bordering regions of Armenia through strengthening of local actors.
  • Specific objective: Promotion of social economy and employability for population of the bordering communities of Gegharkunik, Lori and Shirak.

The main target group of the project are:

  • Vulnerable unified communities from Gegharkunik, Lori and Shirak Provinces of the Republic of Armenia, suffering from poverty, unemployment and being at risk of migration.
  • Local authorities, civil society associations, economic actors and active youth.


Project outcomes:

Outcome 1: The social economy becomes a competitive direction of community development in the targeted regions

  • At least three social economy entities (enterprises) actively operate in target communities and generate income.
  • Local actors in the targeted communities have reported an increase in knowledge and skills in the field of Social Economy.
  • The established or promote social enterprises employ at least 12 people (6 male, 6 female).

Outcome 2:  Employability in project targeted communities is improved։

  • At least 300 young and adult people (150 male, 150 female) from the three target communities have passed professional orientation and career counseling and are aware of their opportunities.
  • Within the announced grant competition at least 9 full project proposals have been submitted by VETs and local actors of target communities for establishment/development of Social Entities for promotion of dual education and generating income.
  • At least 6 VET’s staffs increased their knowledge on topic of Social Economy.
  • At least 3 social economy entities are established as an innovative model of alternative income generation source for VET schools.


Outcome 3: Inter-sectoral cooperation and community development experiences of AC are capitalized.

  • The guideline of Community Development model with relevant description and modules of capacity building actions are prepared and shared with Inter-sectoral Network organizations.
  • Social Transformation methodology is used by at least 9 community groups or organizations to promote leadership and ensure inclusion for vulnerable groups in community.


Organisations implementing the project: Armenia Caritas staff in partnership with:

  • Ministries of Territorial Administration and Development, Education, Science, Culture and Science
  • Local Authorities of Ani, Alaverdi, Vardenis communities
  • Civil Society Organizations
  • Small and Medium Entrepreneurs
  • State VET schools
  • Unified Social Service and local office

Target communities: Vardenis (Gegharkunik), Alaverdi (Lori) and Ani (Shirak) of Armenia.


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