Goal: People with disabilities are empowered and enabling environment for inclusion is created

 Persons with disabilities especially children and their families are one of the vulnerable groups supported by the Armenian Caritas. Persons with disabilities and their whole families are often times separated and isolated from the rest of the society because they are seen as an embarrassment or weakness for the entire society. In many cases, one family member is given the responsibility of caring for the disabled individual. Another concern is that society members in general are not aware of or sensitive to the living conditions of disabled people.  Socially, it is not acceptable for individuals to associate with people that have disabilities (especially those with multiple disabilities), and there are only few organizations that educate the public or bring these people together. To achieve an enabling environment for inclusion, which empowers PWDs and supports everyone else to enhance this environment AC will continue to deliver qualified and supportive services for C&PWDs, put further efforts to integrate them in the labor market and advocate for enhanced legal framework in the country.

In full implementation of this strategic direction, AC follows the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities to promote, protect and ensure the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by all persons with disabilities, and to promote respect for their inherent dignity. The direction will have a human-rights-based approach, aiming at promoting the rights of disabled people as equal members of the society.