Carefree childhood

Project Duration: 1 year Number of Beneficiaries: 10 Location: Gyumri, Gavar Goal: Promotes the growth of fertility Description:  The Armenian Caritas  BNGO, with the sponsorship of the Martinyan charity Foundation, will pay quarterly money to 10 families, 5 of which are from Gyumri and 5 from Gavar, for 3 or more children born in the family after January 2024, until the child reaches the age of 6 years.   Partners: Martinyan charity Foundation Budget:

Warming Up for Shirak Region People

Project Duration: 1 year Number of Beneficiaries: 150 Location: Shirak region   Goal:  To improve the living conditions of 150 socially vulnerable families Description: Distribution of heating means increases the living standard of 150 socially vulnerable families; Training, productive assets and cash distribution to improve and stabilize the economic situation of 20 families; Scholarships to 20 children aged 16-25 to make them more independent and self-confident for their future life  

“My Right. Next Level. Inclusive Education in Armenia and Kosovo” project

Project duration: 01.09.2023 – 28.02.2026 Location: Shirak Region   Overall objective: Contribute to inclusive and equitable quality education for children with disabilities and their parents in Kosovo (Prizren, South Kosovo) and Armenia (Shirak Region), in accordance with Sustainable Development Goal 4, 5 and 10, Art 28 and Art 23 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Children, and Art 24 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.   Project outputs: Output 1- 80 CWD (Children with disabilities) are encouraged to realize their rights and be active parts of their schools Output 2- Teachers are provided with support (OR:

Institutionalising a Volunteer First Responder Service in Armenia (VolFiRe)

Project Duration: 01.12.2022-31.08.2025 Location: Kotayk, Lori, Armavir, Ararat, Shirak, Gegharkunik, Syunik, Vayoc Dzor, Tavush, Aragatsotn Regions Project Purpose: To contribute to strengthening population protection systems in the regions of Armenia through volunteer capacity.   Project Description: From December, 2022 Armenian Red Cross Society partnering with Armenian Caritas, started implementing “Institutionalising a Volunteer First Responder Service in Armenia (VolFiRe)” project. The Civil Protection system in Armenia is currently mainly based on professional responders from governmental institutions. They are to a large extent on-duty firefighters and other paid staff of the Ministry of Emergency Situations (MES).

Growing Healthy: balanced nutrition and improved development opportunities for children

Duration: 01.02.2023-01.02.2026 Location: Shirak region  Ghazanchi, Sepasar: until November 2023                 Gyumri  Number of beneficiaries:   184 children and their families   Recognizing the importance of food security and healthy nutrition in the growth and development of pre-school age children Armenian Caritas implements Growing Healthy Project in three  kindergartens in Gyumri (“Lilit’’, ”Mush” development center, and “Erazank”). The Projects aims at improving food and nutrition security of children, enhancing capacities of preschool teaching staff and promoting parental involvement. Goal: Balanced nutrition and improved development opportunities for 184 preschool aged children in Shirak Region.