Christmas Magic for forcibly displaced children and elderly from Nagorno Karabakh

Project duration: December 01, 2024 – February 28, 2025 Number of beneficiaries: 1250/895 children under the age of 10 and 355 elderly individuals Location: Ararat, Gegharkunik, Lori, Shirak, Syunik provinces and Yerevan The  aim of the project to bring joy to displaced children and elderly individuals during the Christmas season by providing Christmas presents and sweets.   Project donor: Christian Solidarity International CSI Project budget: 25000 euro/10 825 083 AMD Project manager:

Summer school in rural communities of Armenia

Project duration : 01.07.2024-09.09.2024 Location: Bayandur, Yerazgavors and Getk villages (Shirak region) Number of beneficiaries: 160 Target group: children aged from 6 to 16 years   Goal: The project aims to enhance the socialization and educational development of children aged 6 to 16 in border communities through aesthetic education, art therapy an English communication club.   Overall objectives: Provision of access to aesthetic education for children aged 6 to 16 Improvment of English communication skills for 12- to 16-year-olds Increasement of the level of self-awareness and emotional literacy among children aged 6 to 16  

Emergency Assistance for People forcefully displace from NK

Project Duration: 4 months Number of Beneficiaries: 151 families Location: Gyumri Goal: To contribute to improved living conditions of 151 displaced families with 500 family members from Nagorno Karabagh Description: The project will assist 151 families settled in Shirak region of Armenia with food and/or technical supplies vouchers. The focus of the project will be on the families consisted of 2 members or having less than 3 children, disabled persons, elderly.   Partners: CRS Budget:

Fairy tale – Art Therapy Day Care Center

Location: Emily Aregak  Center Duration  March 1, 2024-December 1, 2024   Project Goal To contribute to the physio-psychosocial rehabilitation of children with special needs aged 3 to12 and empowerment of their families. Objectives To provide high quality services for children with disabilities To provide psychological and social assistance to families with children with disabilities. To provide information and raise awareness for the needs and potentials of people with disabilities in the Armenian society Objective 1.

Emergency assistance for the most vulnerable households forcefully displaced from Nagorno-Karabakh

Project Duration: 01.12.2023-30.06.2024 Number of Beneficiaries: 1432 Location:  Shirak, Lori, Gegharkunik, Armavir, Aragatsotn, Kotayk   Goal: Providing vouchers to satisfy primary needs of families as well as psychosocial assistance to foster integration platforms between the displaced communities and the local population. Description: Within the project vouchers of 80 000 AMD were provided to forcefully displaced families from Nagorno Karabakh in Shirak, Lori, Aragatsotn, Armavir, Gegharkunik and Kotayk regions.  Group and individual psychological sessions and psychosocial events were provided in Shirak,