
Armenian Caritas Partners All the activities that Armenian Caritas has initiated so far have been realized thanks to the financial, moral and collaborative assistance of our partners. Here, we would like to extend our deepest gratitude to all those organisations and individuals who did their best to support the Armenians through Armenian Caritas. Caritas Internationalis Caritas Europa ICMC Cordaid Secours Catholique Embassy of Italy in Armenia Caritas Switzerland Caritas Espanole Caritas Sweden Caritas Italia Catholic Medical Mission Board Renovabis Jinishian Memorial Fund Medicor Foundation Government of Liechtenstein United States Agency for International Development (USAID) German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development Caritas Austria Caritas Belgium Open Society Foundation Caritas Germany ARMWCC Action of the Three Kings Kardinal Frings Gymnasium European Union Catholic Relief Services Catholic Near East Welfare Association