Introduction This ToR defines the context and deliverables of a Project development process that is to be carried out in the framework of the project “Inclusive and Equitable quality education for All in Armenia”, funded by Caritas Germany. The overall objective of the project is: “To contribute to the establishment of inclusive and equitable quality education for All in Armenia (SDG 4)”. The Concept Note of the project has been approved by BMZ (Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (Germany). Within the framework of the project a planning workshop should be organized for the development of final application of the project for Armenia and Georgia.

TERMS OF REFERENCE For a Media campaign on Human Rights issues

1. Project Summary: Recognise. Protect. Realise. As part of their unwavering commitment to safeguard the rights of vulnerable people, the three organizations namely; Caritas Austria, Caritas Lebanon and Armenian Caritas formed a cross-border consortium to implement an action which is based on the view that applying a human rights-based approach will mitigate the global migration and refugee crisis. The goal of the action is to contribute to the defence of human rights of asylum seekers, refugees and migrants in Lebanon and Armenia through providing solutions for refugees and migrants in each country, with a particular focus on         Syrian Armenian refugees in both countries.

FINAL EVALUATION of the Action “First inclusive and barrier-free Bakery and Coffee Shop in Gyumri”

Brief Description:  Financed by the European Union, the Austrian Development Cooperation and Caritas Austria the project “First Inclusive and Barrier-free Bakery and Coffee Shop in Gyumri” promotes the inclusion of people with disabilities into labour market by depicting the disabled employees as assets. The action is coordinated by Caritas Austria and executed by its partner, Armenian Caritas. The project has five major components: Inclusive Bakery and Coffee Shop. Herbal gardening. Training and cooperation. Therapeutic Handicraft work. Public Awareness Raising.   The action to be evaluated has the following Overall Objective (OO) and Specific Objectives (SO):

Armenian Caritas Benevolent NGO In the framework of EU funded “Increased Resilience of Syrian Armenians and host population” (IRIS) Programme Call for the selection of Legal Expert for Business Incubator

1. Programme background “Armenian Caritas” Benevolent NGO (AC) and “SME Cooperation Association” NGO (SME) in consortium with the Austrian Red Cross (AutRC), Armenian Red Cross Society, and the “Center for Coordination of Syrian Armenians’ Issues” NGO are implementing the “Increased Resilience of Syrian Armenians and host population” (IRIS) programme funded by the EU Regional Trust Fund in Response to the Syrian Crisis (MADAD Fund). The EU IRIS programme aims at improving social and economic resilience of Syrian Armenians and host population and strengthening institutional capacities for economic growth in Armenia. The action is coordinated by the AutRC.

Armenian Caritas Benevolent NGO In the framework of EU funded “Increased Resilience of Syrian Armenians and host population” (IRIS) Programme Call for the selection of Financial Expert for Business Incubator

1. Programme background “Armenian Caritas” Benevolent NGO (AC) and “SME Cooperation Association” NGO (SME) in consortium with the Austrian Red Cross (AutRC), Armenian Red Cross Society, and the “Center for Coordination of Syrian Armenians’ Issues” NGO are implementing the “Increased Resilience of Syrian Armenians and host population” (IRIS) programme funded by the EU Regional Trust Fund in Response to the Syrian Crisis (MADAD Fund). The EU IRIS programme aims at improving social and economic resilience of Syrian Armenians and host population and strengthening institutional capacities for economic growth in Armenia. The action is coordinated by the AutRC.