History: Armenian Caritas (hereinafter AC) volunteer is a core carrier of organization’s mission and ideology. Since the very establishment of the organization volunteers have been involved in different fields of its operations. 
Understanding the potential of united and mobilized volunteers, since 2009 AC has committed itself to set up Armenian Caritas Youth Corps (hereinafter ACYC), which will bring together the current and potential volunteers of AC around common interests and common concerns. In 2014 the ACYC was renamed Armenian Caritas Volunteer Corps (ACVC). Currently about 80 volunteers are involved in various AC projects. They work with elderly people, disabled children, youth with fewer opportunities, as well as assistance with the administrative work in the AC offices and centers. AC volunteers hold a strong civic position and represent quite an active segment of the civil society. 

Description: Overall volunteering practice in Armenian Caritas is very structured. All of 80 local and international volunteers currently affiliating with the organization are attached to specific programs based on their skills, preferences and project requirements. Distinctive feature of AC volunteers is their willingness to provide social care and assistance to people with various disabilities. Moreover, some of our volunteers are former beneficiaries of AC different projects, and volunteering is a means to keep their rapport with the organization. In this sense this is a unique manifestation of volunteerism in Armenia, as free-will devotion of own time and resources for well-being of others is rather rare phenomenon for a post-soviet society. The other characteristic feature of Caritas is provision of volunteering opportunity to wider range of people. Rather than seeking for educated, skillful, goal-oriented volunteers, Armenian Caritas is ready to provide opportunity to any person from any social background to be in the professional environment, to learn and clarify their vision in regard of their future. The most vital feature for being considered a potential volunteer for Armenian Caritas is right attitude, willingness to learn, zeal for social justice and readiness to help. The organization also provides internship opportunities for local and international students majoring in social sciences.

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