Advocacy, Lobbying and Network collaboration

“Armenian Caritas” acts as the voice of the voiceless when they are unable to speak for themselves and does so by “observing, analyzing and acting” to contribute to more just and cohesive society.

Advocacy is an organized attempt to change policy, practice and/or attitudes by presenting evidence and arguments for how and why change should happen. At the heart of advocacy is the assumption that change can happen through building awareness, presenting evidence and arguments for why change should happen, and engaging people who have the power to make those changes.
The Advocacy department of “Armenian Caritas” works towards structural change, starting at the grassroots level and extending globally, to improve the quality of life of people and communities experiencing poverty and marginalization. Hence, “Armenian Caritas” advocates for and with people in need to create more just and inclusive society.

Overall aim of AC Advocacy work for 2016-2018 is: “To bring a lasting positive change in the lives of vulnerable groups in Armenia through enhancing their access to social protection quality services and empowering them with sustainable development opportunities.”