“Armenian Caritas” Benevolent NGO

  • Mission Statement
  • Vision
  • Strategic Directions
  • Goals and Objectives

Mission Statement
The Mission of the “Armenian Caritas” is “To serve different vulnerable groups with love and compassion, respecting the dignity of each individual”.

Armenian Caritas is a strong and significant role player in consolidation of social justice and social protection in the Republic of Armenia.

STRATEGIC DIRECTION 1. Social protection

Strategic Goal 1.1. Armenian Caritas is recognised to be one of the leading service providers in the field of Home Care/Home Nursing and Day Care in Armenia.

Strategic Objectives
1.1.1. To participate in and facilitate the process of improvement of the policy and approach of the Republic of Armenia on Social Protection of elderly.
1.1.2. To facilitate the process of adaptation of the European model of Home Care and Home Nursing and its introduction in Armenia.
1.1.3. To facilitate and encourage integration of elderly into the society.
1.1.4. To ensure upgraded Home Care/ Home Nursing and Day Care support to 800 beneficiaries of the Program in the targeted areas of Shirak and Lori, and Gegharkunick Provinces.

Strategic Goal 1.2. Disadvantaged children and their families are socially protected.

Strategic Objectives
1.2.1. To enhance family development and sustainability.
1.2.2. Improvement of the quality of life of disadvantaged children, youth and their families.
1.2.3. To foster socialization of vulnerable children, youth and their families.
1.2.4. Capacity building of the Children and Youth Day Care Social Centers.

Strategic Goal 1.3. The quality of life of persons with disabilities promoted.

Strategic Objectives
1.3.1. To create opportunities for people with disabilities in social services.
1.3.2. To promote the rights, social integration and participation of people with disabilities and their family members in the life of their communities.
1.3.3. To promote accessibility and quality of supportive services for people with disabilities.
1.3.4. To promote inclusive education.
1.3.5. To promote employment opportunities for people with disabilities

STRATEGIC DIRECTION 2. Public Healthcare

Strategic Goal 2.1. Free of charge primary health care services to vulnerable groups provided.

Strategic Objectives
2.1.1. To create conscientious primary ambulatory care based on family medicine.
2.1.2. To promote women’s reproductive health by:
a) conducting trainings(gynecological and psychological) with pregnant women;
b) distributing food items to low income pregnant women;
c) raising awareness on the subject of stable families and maintenance of family value;
d) enhancing the responsible behavior to their children by signifying care and safety towards motherhood and child;
e) raising responsibility towards health care and raising of healthy generation, thus struggling with infant mortality;

Strategic Goal 2.2. Awareness about HIV/AIDS and drug use is raised.

Strategic Objectives
2.2.1. To implement actions for prevention of spreading of HIV/AIDS.

STRATEGIC DIRECTION 3. Community Development

Strategic Goal 3.1. The life quality of community members is improved through capacity building and active participation.

Strategic Objectives
3.1.1. To improve community infrastructures.
3.1.2. To strengthen the community capacity building and design self-support mechanisms.
3.1.3. To support an activation of civic participation and raising of civic consciousness.
3.1.4. To promote entrepreneurship promotion initiatives inside of the community.
3.1.5. To strengthen social-economic development of communities through self-determination of community members.

STRATEGIC DIRECTION 4. Migration, Integration and prevention of trafficking

Strategic Goal 4.1. Prevention of irregular migration.

Strategic Objectives
4.1.1. To ensure economic stability of potential migrants.
4.1.2. To raise the awareness on the risks of irregular migration.
4.1.3. To assist the development of the communities.

Strategic Goal 4.2. Well-integration of returnees and refugees.

Strategic Objectives
4.2.1. To ensure economic stability of returnees and refugees
4.2.2. To provide social, legal and psychological counseling and assistance
4.2.3. To foster a cooperation with governmental bodies aiming at better; refugee protection and returnee integration policies by providing expertise and consultations.

Strategic Goal 4.3. Prevention of trafficking.

Strategic Objectives
4.3.1. To raise awareness among population about existing laws on trafficking and referral mechanism for victims of trafficking;
4.3.2. To raise awareness on the risks of irregular migration and trafficking;
4.3.3. To provide information and legal counseling to the groups at risk.

STRATEGIC DIRECTION 5. Advocacy, Lobbying and Network collaboration

Strategic Goal 5.1. Implementation of direct and indirect lobbying.

Strategic Objectives
5.1.1. Foster cooperation between Armenian Caritas, local organizations and authorities and governmental authorities;
5.1.2. Develop motivation mechanisms for local authorities to cooperate with Armenian Caritas;
5.1.3. Position social services provided by Armenian Caritas to attract government funding;
5.1.4. Involve Governmental authorities in organization’s activities, so they learn what Caritas is doing;

Strategic Goal 5.2 Participation in socio-economic policy development

Strategic Objectives
5.2.1. Conduct needs assessment for identifying changing needs of beneficiaries;
5.2.2. Develop mechanisms for ensuring sustainability of programs;
5.2.3. Develop and clarify partnership policies, strategies and fields of cooperation with decision making bodies;

Strategic Goal 5.3. Networking with strategic partners on advocacy field.

Strategic Objectives
5.3.1. Establish relations with businesses;
5.3.2. Development of sustainable partnerships with local NGOs;
5.3.3. Lobby for implementation of social partnership programs with different stakeholders;
5.3.4. Develop advocacy based PR strategy;

STRATEGIC DIRECTION 6. Emergency Preparedness and Response

Strategic Goal 6.1. To provide post emergency rehabilitation services including humanitarian aid.

Strategic Goal 6.2. To take preventive measures to reduce harm during emergencies.