Project Duration: 01.01.2025-31.12.2027

Number of Beneficiaries:

. 600 (annual-Gyumri-100, Vanadzor-100) socially disadvantaged people with home care needs (single elderly over 65 years of age and single persons with disabilities over 18 years of age;

. 120 nursing students in vocational training centers (Gyumri, Vanadzor);

. 30 practical nurses from state facilities and other service providing NGOs;

. 120 informal caregivers/wardens (relatives, friends and neighbors);


Shirak region, Gyumri city

Lori region, Vanadzor city


Goal:  To improve the quality of life and well-being of isolated elderly individuals through establishing sustainable and holistic home care services in Armenia.



  1. Establishment of a high-quality home care service
  • Adoption, testing and systematic evaluation of existing state requirements in the area of home care at 2 pilot locations
  • Qualification and professionalization of employees in nursing services and management
  • Development and testing of a monitoring and evaluation mechanism for the care service
  • Determination and identification of sustainable financing mechanisms for home care services (e.g. private care services, care insurance, state voucher system, etc.)
  • Development and testing of informal support networks at municipal level (so-called “” Community solidarity clubs”)
  1. Improving training in the area of home care Development, testing and evaluation of training modules in the field of gerontology and geriatrics at 2 vocational nursing schools
  • Approval of the training modules by the Ministry of Health and Education (MoESCS)
  • Professional training and qualification for nursing staff in state care facilities and other care providers
  1. Technical advice and qualitative support for state actors and structures to promote the ongoing reform process
  • Institutionalization of cooperation with other NGOs and care providers (in particular within the framework of the “Elderly Protection Network”)
  • National and regional exchange of expertise and experience between Caritas associations and government ministries

Lobbying for the provision of sufficient funding for home care services to ensure their long-term financial security


Partners: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Caritas Germany, Caritas Georgia , Grant from the Ministry of Labor and Social affairs of RA

Budget:  855,000 Euro

Project manager: Margar Karapetyan