Project Duration01.12.2024- 30.11.2027

Number of BeneficiariesDirect beneficiaries 7.205, indirect beneficiaries 50 000

Target groupPotential and labor migrants, their family members, USS staff, young journalists/students, active youth living in various communities of Armenia, community residents, NGOs, other relevant state institutions, media, and the society of Armenia.

Location: Russia, Armenia.


Goal: Empowering labor migrants and their family members by promoting and protection of their rights and interests according to international treaties and conventions.


  1. Prevent violations of labor migrants’ rights by awareness raising; to advocate and protect migrants and their families interests in both host and origin countries;
  2. Provide migrants with legal consultations;
  3. Promote the protection of migrants’ rights by collaborating with stakeholders and/or relevant parties involved in addressing migrant issues on both national and international platforms.



  • Organizing pre-departure training sessions, meetings, and providing consultations to Armenian labor migrants and their family members in communities of Armenia;
  • Capacity building of NGOs by developing abilities to provide pre-departure consultation;
  • Developing the capacities of young journalists and students;
  • Capacity building of staff of 49 USS;
  • Preparing and delivering video lessons on migration legislation for staff of 49 USS centers;
  • Organizing of video lessons on various migration-related issues and legislative issues for Armenian Councils;
  • Organizing media campaign to raise awareness of labor migration issues and challenges;
  • Participation in the “Suitcase” Journalistic Awards;
  • Empowering young activists and labor migrants in local communities;
  • Raising awareness of migrants and their families through social media, providing consultations and guidance.
  • Highlighting and discussing labor migrants’ issues on media platforms;
  • Providing legal consultations to labor migrants in the Russian Federation;
  • Offering consultations through a hotline;
  • Organizing roundtable discussions to raise various migration-related issues, with the participation of government, civil society and international actors and stakeholders in the field.


Funding organization: Caritas France

Budget:  299.769 €

Program Manager: David Mosoyan