Project Duration: 01.12.2024- 30.11.2027
Number of Beneficiaries: Direct beneficiaries 7.205, indirect beneficiaries 50 000
Target group: Potential and labor migrants, their family members, USS staff, young journalists/students, active youth living in various communities of Armenia, community residents, NGOs, other relevant state institutions, media, and the society of Armenia.
Location: Russia, Armenia.
Goal: Empowering labor migrants and their family members by promoting and protection of their rights and interests according to international treaties and conventions.
- Prevent violations of labor migrants’ rights by awareness raising; to advocate and protect migrants and their families interests in both host and origin countries;
- Provide migrants with legal consultations;
- Promote the protection of migrants’ rights by collaborating with stakeholders and/or relevant parties involved in addressing migrant issues on both national and international platforms.
- Organizing pre-departure training sessions, meetings, and providing consultations to Armenian labor migrants and their family members in communities of Armenia;
- Capacity building of NGOs by developing abilities to provide pre-departure consultation;
- Developing the capacities of young journalists and students;
- Capacity building of staff of 49 USS;
- Preparing and delivering video lessons on migration legislation for staff of 49 USS centers;
- Organizing of video lessons on various migration-related issues and legislative issues for Armenian Councils;
- Organizing media campaign to raise awareness of labor migration issues and challenges;
- Participation in the “Suitcase” Journalistic Awards;
- Empowering young activists and labor migrants in local communities;
- Raising awareness of migrants and their families through social media, providing consultations and guidance.
- Highlighting and discussing labor migrants’ issues on media platforms;
- Providing legal consultations to labor migrants in the Russian Federation;
- Offering consultations through a hotline;
- Organizing roundtable discussions to raise various migration-related issues, with the participation of government, civil society and international actors and stakeholders in the field.
Funding organization: Caritas France
Budget: 299.769 €
Program Manager: David Mosoyan