39_1From Dortmund to Duisberg, Germans in over 60 cities lit tens of thousands of candles to bring attention to poverty in Armenia as part of the “One Million Stars” campaign.

39_1From Dortmund to Duisberg, Germans in over 60 cities lit tens of thousands of candles to bring attention to poverty in Armenia as part of the “One Million Stars” campaign.

The campaign, also waged in other European countries, also raised money for Caritas Armenia’s child and youth services projects.

Peter Neher, president of the German Caritas Association, lit the first candle at the Freiburg Town Hall Square.

“Any bright spark plug is a symbol for anyone who lives on the marginalized fringes of society,” he said.”Children growing up in poverty and young people have a right to health and education, protection and security – in Germany and around the world. You have a right to a fair chance in life.”

“Poverty, in whatever form, always leads to disintegration, which creates a high level of suffering for those affected, ” said Anahit Mkhoyan, executive director of Armenian Caritas.

“The common goal of child and youth projects in Armenia is to encourage young people and reduce social inequalities,” she said

About 85 organizations in total took part the candle lighting ceremonies, including churches, daycare centres, and charities.

The event brought unprecedented attention to poverty in Armenia, with dozens of articles published in German media.

One columnist noted, “Even today, 22 years after the 1988 earthquake, many people live in temporary shelters. These shelters are badly heated in winters where the temperature can dip to minus 30 degrees Celsius About half the population lives off 1.50 € per day. That’s just enough for two small loaves.”

The “One Million Stars” campaign was founded more than ten years ago in France. It developed into an annual international solidarity campaign of charity taking place during the holiday season.

For more information on this event go to (in German):