
2013 is proclaimed the year of FAITH.
Let’s meet this New Year as an incomparable gift presented by God and let us glorify Him – the Creator, The Savior who graced life to us.
The life given to us is a gift and during that life we must glorify and sing praises of Him who came into the world to raise us to the heaven.
At the eve of this year let’s wish to see each other as the children of God having Jesus as a guide in our daily life and being committed to kindness, beauty and usefulness. Let’s fill in the white pages of the New Year with the God-pleasing life and behavior, devotion and abatement, self-oblivion and love.
This life is short and to make it eternal we should live by God’s love-with condescension, being compassionate towards the other’s pain and being ready to help him.
Let’s be like Jesus, live by Jesus and have the heaven on the earth.
On our way of life to the Golgotha let this New Year be the year of health, success and peace, longevity and caress, bright year in the dark night of life, year of generous gift in the field of sin, the year of optimism, light and happiness.

Raphael Archbishop Minassian
Ordinary of Armenian Catholics
in Armenia, Georgia, Russia and Eastern Europe