Armenian Caritas in partnership with Catholic Relief Services announces

Call for Prequalification for selection of service providers for the activities

Lot 1: Preparation of Design Documents

Lot 2: Technical Supervision During Reconstruction Works

Lot 3: Reconstruction and Building Works


on the Artashat building, within the Armenia Non-Profit Social Housing Project, jointly being implemented by the Armenian Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (MLSA), Armenian Caritas and Catholic Relief Services (CRS).

The tendering process for the above-mentioned activities consists of two stages. First and current stage is prequalification, and second stage is submission of technical and financial offers by short-listed applicants.

Project Description

The Armenia Non-Profit Social Housing Project aims to ensure that more displaced persons, refugees, and local population live in sustainable and affordable housing in Armenia, as response to the long-term housing needs of displaced persons from Nagorno-Karabakh and other vulnerable groups in Armenia. Current Call for Prequalification relates to pilot project within the Non-Profit Social Housing Project, with specific activity on the building, which is located in the Artashat community (Mravyan Street), Ararat Province. This building will be repurposed into non-profit social housing and is part of a pilot project, for which financing has been secured. Additional buildings are planned at a later date, subject to financing availability.

The building was originally part of a school complex, with its functional connection ensured through an annex, the construction of which was not completed.  The structure, built in the late 1980s on flat terrain according to a standard design, has a rectangular outline in plan with an approximate exterior with dimension of 15×54 meters. It is a three-story building with a technical underground floor, originally intended for public use which will be repurposed for housing through this project. The right-side section of the building, with approximate dimensions of 15.0×24.0 meters, had its three above-ground floors dismantled. Subject of the repurposing/reconstruction will be the left-side section approximate dimensions of 15.0×30.0 meters. The aim of this pilot project is to help in developing technical standards for non-profit social housing in Armenia. The Project is financed by Catholic Relief Services, and is implemented in cooperation with the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the RA.


Requested Services

Detailed services for which this Call for Prequalification relates to include:

  • Lot 1: Preparation of Design Documents for reconstruction of Artashat building, based on Design Permit (the Architectural-Planning Assignment) for the repurposed building, Scope of Work (SoW)/Terms of Reference (ToR), the requirements of implementer/investor, applicable laws in Republic of Armenia and positive practices. The preparation of the Design Documents includes the development of a Concept Design, which will serve as the basis for obtaining the Design Permit (Architectural-Planning Assignment) in accordance with the Government of Armenia Decision No. 596-N, dated 19 March 2015. The Concept Design must include a site plan showing the proposed placement of the building within the plot and floor plans outlining the proposed use for the existing structure, as well as other documents according to relevant laws, which forms the basis for obtaining the Design Permit (Architectural-Planning Assignment). This service provider will also be expected to contract Revision of the Design Documents (Design Documents Expertise) within his contract and include it in his price. Revision will be performed in accordance with Government of Armenia Decision No. 711-N, dated 6 May 2010, on Approving the Procedure for the Examination of Urban Planning Documents. The completed Design Documents will be submitted to obtain the Construction Permit (including a demolition or dismantlement permit, if required) and will be made available in DWG format.
  • Lot 2: Technical supervision of reconstruction/construction works, based on the developed Design Documents, in accordance with applicable laws in Republic of Armenia, most notably the Decree No. 44, issued by the Ministry of Urban Development (now restructured into the Urban Development Committee) on 28 April 1998, and best practices.
  • Lot 3: Reconstruction works on Artashat building.

The envisaged period for the provision of services for the purpose of project implementation is:

  • April – June 2025: Preparation of Design Documents for reconstruction of Artashat building.
  • May – June 2025: Revision of the Design Documents (Design Documents Expertise).
  • August 2025 – April 2026: Technical supervision of reconstruction works.
  • August 2025 – April 2026: Reconstruction works on Artashat building.


Conditions for Participation

Participation in the prequalification process is open to all legal entities registered in Armenia for the performance of the relevant activities and who meet the conditions prescribed by the applicable design and construction legislation, who are not in bankruptcy or liquidation proceedings, and against which there are no proceedings being conducted for non-payment of public revenue obligations, and if they meet the conditions set out by CRS which you can access through this link.

Applicants may apply for either Lot 1 and/or Lot 2, or only for Lot 3.

To participate in the pre-qualification process, interested applicants must complete the application using the document accessible through this link.


Applications should be submitted to the following e-mail addresses:  and, with a copy to, by 10th of March 2025 at 12:00 p.m. Applications may also be delivered in electronic copy, on CD, DVD or USB to the address 34 Tchaikovsky str, ap. 23, Yerevan 0001, Republic of Armenia, contact person David Mosoyan. Applications shall be presented as a single unalterable and printable PDF file‚ no larger than 10 MB. INCOMPLETE AND LATE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED.

Requests for clarification should be submitted by e-mail to:, with a copy to no later than seven days before deadline for submission of applications.


Applications and all supporting documentation shall be submitted in Armenian and English language, where required. Translated documents do not need to be translated and stamped by an official translator.

All correspondence between potential Applicants and Tender Commission shall be in Armenian and English languages.

This Call for Prequalification Document is prepared in English and translated into Armenian language. In case of discrepancy, the English version shall prevail. All interested Applicants shall receive this Call for Prequalification in English and Armenian languages.

Evaluation Process

Tender Commission will be composed of Armenian Caritas and CRS representatives. MLSA representatives will be invited to participate in evaluation process, as an associated member, depending on their availability. The Tender Commission will assess the suitability of the applicants for pre-qualification based on the documents submitted as part of the application, reference checks or knowledge of the applicant’s business acumen in fulfilling previous similar contractual obligations, all according to the donor’s conditions and the planned period for carrying out work on this project. The prequalification is conducted in accordance with CRS Procurement Guidelines.

The Tender Commission reserves the right to inspect, verify, and provide additional clarifications regarding the submitted documentation. Applicants will be notified in writing via e-mail of the results of the prequalification. Applicants which pass the prequalification stage will proceed to second stage of tendering process and receive Request for Proposal (RfP) with invitation to submit final technical and financial offer.

Caritas Armenia reserves the right not to proceed with the second stage.

Neither Caritas Armenia nor CRS bear any application costs in the prequalification process, nor in the tender process for preparing bids for the provision of services.

Applicants are provided with 8 days after notification of prequalification results to submit eventual objections to the prequalification results. Complaints should be sent to address  with a copy to


All cost relating to the preparation of the Application, including but not limited to site visits, obtaining information, preparation and submission of the Application, shall be borne by the Applicant.

Administrators of this prequalification process reserves the right to accept or reject any Application, and to annul the prequalification process and reject all Applications at any time, without thereby incurring any liability to the Applicants.

Interviews with shortlisted applicants may be conducted after completion of prequalification process, to further clarify their capacities for performance of contract.


All details related to the Call for Prequalification, as well as all documentation that must be submitted in order to apply for prequalification can be found in the package accessible through these links:

Armenian Call for Prequalification Package

English Call for Prequalification Package