Armenian Caritas Benevolent NGO

In the framework of Building Bridges: Socio-Economic Integration and Resilience for Refugees and Local Communities in Armenia


Call for the Selection of company/companies to provide

Lot 1: Full Cycle of Entrepreneurial Skills and Business Support for Target Groups

Lot 2: Livelihood Assistance for Self-Employed Individuals from the project target groups engaged in the Agricultural Sector


Project title: Building Bridges: Socio-Economic Integration and Resilience for Refugees and Local Communities in Armenia

Place of implementation: Republic of Armenia

Deadline for the applications: 07.04.2025, 23:00

Start date: April 2025

Kind of contract: Service contract

Duration of service delivery: April 2025 – November 2025

E-mail for applications: v.gasparyan@caritas.am; info@caritas.am


1.      Description

On September 19, 2023, Azerbaijan launched large-scale military operations against Nagorno-Karabakh (NK), resulting in the displacement of over 101,800 indigenous Armenians who arrived in Armenia within days. During the initial stages of displacement needs included shelter, food, medical aid, and psychosocial support. While in the mid to long term, sustainable integration priorities encompass housing solutions and income generation. Moreover, social integration and inclusion are important components to foster social cohesion, reduce tensions and build trust within communities.


  1. Objectives and methodology of the action

Starting from October 2024, Armenian Caritas has been implementing the project “Building Bridges: Socio-Economic Integration and Resilience for Refugees and Local Communities in Armenia”, funded by Caritas Confederation member organisations and Christian Solidarity International.

The overall objective of the project is to foster socio-economic integration and resilience building of refugees from Nagorno-Karabakh and local communities in Armenia, ensuring dignified lives and sustainable development.

Housing and income generation are crucial for ensuring sustainable integration and dignified lives for both refugees and the local population. Housing is a significant challenge for displaced individuals, as economic integration often depends on available housing opportunities, and vice versa. Typically, displaced individuals prioritize finding affordable housing before pursuing employment or entrepreneurship. Income generation follows as the next critical need, and addressing these issues increases refugees’ chances of independently meeting other essential needs. To foster resilience and sustainable integration, and to prevent refugees from falling into poverty traps, the project aims to provide comprehensive socio-economic support through the NEXUS approach and complementary methodologies․

For this, in the framework of the project “Building Bridges: Socio-Economic Integration and Resilience for Refugees and Local Communities in Armenia” Armenian Caritas seeks service providers (company, NGO, other) to provide economic integration support to the project target groups.


  1. Scope of the action/services to be delivered

The economic integration component shall be implemented during the period of April 2025 – November 2025. The geographic focus of the action is Armenia with specific focus on the provinces of Shirak, Lori, Syunik as well as Yerevan and nearby communities.

The two Lots in this Call for Service Providers focus on business development and livelihood support.

The overall objective of the action is to enhance the economic integration of displaced people from NK and local population of Armenia into the traditional SME sector through the following modalities.


Lot 1: Full Cycle of Entrepreneurial Skills and Business Support for Target Groups

This modality aims to foster sustainable micro and small businesses, create new jobs, increase household self-sufficiency, and strengthen the resilience of target communities. It includes several phases such as business idea and model generation through workshops, business planning through training and coaching, access to finance, and community building via networking events. Only participants who pass assessments after the first phase will move on to business planning, and those who successfully pitch their plans will receive seed grants from Armenian Caritas and participate in community-building activities.


Lot 2: Livelihood Assistance for Self-Employed Individuals from the project target groups engaged in the Agricultural Sector

This modality is primary tailored for rural areas and is aimed at supporting more vulnerable refugees and host population who are seeking livelihood and affordable housing opportunities. This support will be provided through NEXUS approach linking social assistance with economic empowerment. Livelihood assistance component will include professional consultations, trainings/workshops, coaching and mentoring. Successful participants of this component will receive equipment and other livelihood assets from Armenian Caritas.


4.      Required qualifications

The best offer will be selected by the Jury: price and quality of the proposal will be scored and weighted 50 % price and 50 % quality. The quality of the proposal will be scored according to the below mentioned conditions giving preference to the organisation having professional qualification and working experience with the target groups of the project.

  • Educational background of the team (Master’s degree or equivalent in economics, business management or another relevant fields)
  • Availability of the organisation’s relevant experience (at least 3 years of experience)
  • Deep knowledge on the Armenian business environment, key role players in the field as well as issues of displaced people from NK and the current situation
  • Availability of at least 6 certified trainers and coaches
  • For Lot 2 availability of agri specific professionals
  • Experience in implementing business support and livelihood assistance services (at least 3 implemented projects) and the work experience with displaced people, people with disabilities and other vulnerable groups
  • Own premises for the trainings and other relevant activitites will be an asset


5.      Application procedure

Armenian Caritas invites interested and qualified business support professional companies to participate in a call for proposals in March-April 2025.

Candidates can apply for Lot 1 and Lot 2 or only for one of the Lots. 

Interested organisations are required to send their signed/stamped applications composed of the below mentioned documents before 07.04.2025, 23:00 to v.gasparyan@caritas.aminfo@caritas.am.

Candidates shall clearly mention which Lot they are applying for. In case if they apply for 2 Lots, 2 different applications should be submitted including all the documents mentined below.

  • Copy of the state registration certificate of the applicant organisation
  • Proposal description in English according to the attached template
  • Detailed budget in English according to the attached template
  • Diplomas, qualification Certificates of at least 6 trainers/coaches, which will be involved to provide training/consultancy/guidance services; agri mentors for Lot 2


The detailed Terms of Reference (ToR) and the templates for submission of proposals can be found in the package accessible through these links:


EA28/2024_Annex 1_ProposalTemplate_ToR_Business_Livelihood_Support

EA28/2024_Annex 2_Budget_ToR_Business_Livelihood_Support


Please note: Only applications submitted according to the attached templates will be considered. Only shortlisted applicants will be invited for the interview by the “Armenian Caritas” Benevolent NGO.

