Improvement of the Educational Conditions in Gerghasar and Khnkoyan Village Schools.
Vocational training for the Alumni of a Special School in Vanadzor

Start:  2005

Project location:  Akhurian, Geghasar, Khnkoyan, Kaps, Aregnadem, Vanadzor, Vardakar, Dzorashen, Pokrashen

The main goal of the project was to provide professional knowledge and practical skills to special school students of Vanadzor.

1. to assist to raise children’s working motivation through seminars, discussions, films and special psychological treatment.
2. to assist formation of value system among beneficiaries that is widely accepted by the society. This will enable them to be fully integrated into society,
3. to assist 160 vulnerable children in Geghasar and Khnkoyan village schools and needy children in Vanadzor:
• in purchasing stationery ,school supplies and sports goods;
• in providing them food commodities;
• in providing them blankets, towels;
• in providing them hygienic items.

Budget (Annual): Euro 29,000.00

Funded: Action of the 3 Kings, Caritas Feldkirch/Austria/

Project manager: Gagik Tarasyan /