Child Safeguarding Policy
Project duration: 01.06.2016 – 28.02.2017
Beneficiaries: “Armenian Caritas” beneficiaries (children, young people and their families), staff and volunteers.
Location: “Armenian Caritas” Child Care Centers.
Goal: To ensure the safety of children within all child-oriented projects through elaboration and application of the Armenian Caritas Child Safeguarding Policy.
Activities: “Armenian Caritas” highlighting the need to create a safe and secure environment for children in its Centers, embarked on the development of the child safeguarding policy. Within the framework of the project an expert was selected to conduct an internal self-evaluation of the organization with the purpose of creating such policy, the results of which will serve to develop such policy and its implementation mechanisms. The project beneficiaries are “Armenian Caritas” beneficiaries (children, young people and their families), staff and volunteers. At the end of the project “Armenian Caritas” will have a clear policy and its implementation mechanisms to ensure the safeguarding of the children in all its Centers.
Partners: Caritas Austria
Budget: 12,930 €
Project manager: Tigran Petrosyan
Coordinator: Ani Maghakyan