Project Registration
(Deadline: 30.11.2021)
“Trauma therapy in conflict and post-conflict regions: Strengthening the post-war specialists through experience exchange, mediation and supervision”’
Psychologists, trauma therapists, social workers and volunteers working with the population affected by the Artsakh military conflict, are invited to apply to the project.
The project is devoted to the development of professional qualification on mediation through lectures and experience-based exchange during online and offline workshops on mediation, prevention of domestic violence, emotional burn-out and clinical supervision.
About the project:
The lasting military conflict in Artsakh remains a serious trial for the Armenian society. Most of the Armenian population directly or indirectly deals with the military actions and its trauma; therefore, it’s necessary to find out the most effective psychotherapeutic and psycho-corrective approaches, which can become the base of rehabilitation project for supporting the trauma survivors through practical psychological support.
In parallel with the escalation, the information about the deceased and wounded, the POWs and tortured, the refugees and displaced makes the long lasting after-war effects more and more vivid and for these effects the cavil society must survive and deal with.
The study project consists of 6 online trainings lasting 1 or 2 days, as well as 1 offline training lasting for 7 days in Armenia.
All the selected participants must participate in all online and offline activities of the project.
The trainers of the project are international experts from Germany, Russia, Ukraine, Georgia and Armenia.
For application, please visit the following link:
In case of questions, please contact:
- Diana Miribyan, “Armenian Caritas” Benevolent NGO, Armenia,
- Yevgeinya Kozmenko, European Ways, Germany,
The training is free of charge for selected participants, it includes all materials, travel, accommodation and meal.
Training schedule
Online trainings (Zoom)
4.12.2021- Training 1: ”Emotional exhaustion prophylaxis/prevention”
5.12.2021-Training 1: “The basics and main objectives of supervision”
11.12.2021-Training 1: “Mediation as a means of tension reduction and prevention in the society during the military conflict”
12.12.2021: Training 2: “Mediation as a means of tension reduction and prevention in the society during the military conflict”
Offline trainings
19.12-26.12.2021 (8 days)
Day 1- Arrival of participants
Day 2- Training 2: “The basis and main objectives of supervision”
Day 3- Training 3: “Mediation as a means of tension reduction and prevention in the society during the military conflict”
Day 4- Training 4: “Mediation as a means of tension reduction and prevention in the society during the military conflict”
Day 5- Training 1: “Emotional exhaustion prophylaxis/prevention”
Day 6- Training 2: “Emotional exhaustion prophylaxis/prevention”
Day 7- Training 3: “Emotional exhaustion prophylaxis/prevention’”
Round table discussion on topic of “’Trauma therapy in conflict and post-conflict regions” with invited experts from Armenia, Ukraine, Georgia and North Caucasus
Day 8- Departure of participants
Actions for 2022
(the dates would be discussed with participants individually)
- 30 individual supervisions for participants
- Training 1: “The strategies of domestic violence prevention as a result of war”
- Training 2: “The strategies of domestic violence prevention as a result of war”
Requirements for participation:
- The participants can be from either Armenia or Artsakh;
- Being active and having the willingness to support people suffered from war;
- The participation at all online training (at least 80%) is mandatory;
- The participation at offline training from December 19 to 26, 2021 (the training venue is 1-hour drive from Yerevan);
- Education and work experience with displaced people would be considered preferable.