Project Duration: 01.10.2024-30.09.2025

Number of Beneficiaries:  1820 households, 9100 individuals

Location:  Shirak, Lori, Syunik, Yerevan


Goal: To foster socio-economic integration and resilience building of refugees from Nagorno-Karabakh and local communities in Armenia, ensuring dignified lives and sustainable development

Description: The project consists of following components:

  1. improvement of housing conditions:
  2. a) rental subsidies;

b)renovation/furnishing/equipping of houses. psycho-social support (PTPSS)

  1. economic integration:
  2. a) career orientation, vocational, soft skills’ trainings, consumption support, professional toolkits and case management.
  3. b) livelihood assistance which will include professionalconsultations/coaching/mentoring, agricultural equipment and other livelihood assets.

4.full cycle of business support in the result of which 25 beneficiaries will get seed grants.


Partners: Caritas Internationalis

Budget:  1.032.210 EURO

Project manager:  Vergine Gasparyan