“Armenian Caritas” (AC) sees itself as the expression and an instrument of charity of the Armenian Catholic Church. Accordingly, “Armenian Caritas” seeks to organize and implement humanitarian and charitable actions in favor of persons and social groups living under difficult conditions without religious, national or racial discriminations. Moreover, ”Armenian Caritas” views itself as an important force in actively promoting the democratic and developmental changes in Armenia and strives to work with families, uphold family values, and empower parents to be involved in healthy parenting values. Read More…>>

Fundraising specialist
“Armenian Caritas” Benevolent NGO

Position – Fundraising Specialist

Organization background
“Armenian Caritas” (AC) sees itself as the expression and an instrument of charity of the Armenian Catholic Church. Accordingly, “Armenian Caritas” seeks to organize and implement humanitarian and charitable actions in favor of persons and social groups living under difficult conditions without religious, national or racial discriminations. Moreover, ”Armenian Caritas” views itself as an important force in actively promoting the democratic and developmental changes in Armenia and strives to work with families, uphold family values, and empower parents to be involved in healthy parenting values.
AC implements family- oriented support for children and adolescents in critical circumstances in five “Little Prince” Day Care Social Centers since 2009. These Centers play a crucial role in covering the gap of the social services, created during the implementation of the Governmental reform on deinstitutionalization. To ensure the sustainability of the operations of the Centers, AC strives to bring Government and private sector’s attention to the importance of the continuity of its actions.

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