Project Duration: 12 months, 01.04.2021-31.05.2022

Project implementation area: RoA, Shirak and Gegharkunik regions with future possible area extension

Direct beneficiaries:

  • Displaced families living in rented or eft houses/apartments,
  • Host families accommodating displaced households,
  • Conflict-affected families from the local community.

Number of beneficiaries: 600 households/3000 individuals.

Project goal:

Displaced and other conflict-affected families rebuild their lives

Project description:

Armenian Caritas will provide:

  1. Shelter assistance in the form of minor repairs to 500 vulnerable conflict-affected households living in substandard shelters (including displaced, host and local families);
  2. Light livelihoods support to 400 displaced families in the form of productive assets so they may begin to resume their previous livelihoods and earn income;
  3. Mapping and referral activities to 600 families to create linkages and ensure coordination among actors in the field providing services/resources (iNGOs, NGOs, CSOs, local/regional government etc.).


Partners: Caritas Internationalis Member Organizations, Catholic Relief Services

Project budget: € 793.889, AMD 474.364.275

Project manager: Christine Mkhitaryan